What unites us as one
We have principles that are based on our experiences and reflect our ethics. Wether as a team member or as a community member, we hope that everybody who wants to become part of NION is eager to share.
1 Self-management
Our community innately has all resources and power required to be self-sufficient. We are capable of finding our roles and accountabilities, exerting personal leadership, distributing responsibilities, and autonomously self-organize. We encourage our community to participate in, question, and even challenge the co-creation process of NION with good intentions.
2 Learning
People are all learners and teachers to each other, regardless of their generation, acquired expertise or experience. We are eager to be “master learners” who augment collective intelligence to make a collective impact on our societies. Our community of practice is ready to expose ourselves to failure. Failure is a source of learning and NION is a safe space for trial and error. Every problem is an invitation to be playful and creative.
3 Beyond Boundaries
Any living being may become a player of NION. Our community strives to go beyond boundaries, visible and invisible, actual and figurative, external and internal. We expect our community to put their preconceptions and conditioning on hold and to seek an open dialogue and collaboration. Our decisions and conducts continuously revise the status quo in the existing society, as well as within ourselves for a better today.
4 Perpetual Care
We lead our everyday life within and with our environments. We are responsible for taking them into account during our activities from a holistic point of view. We maintain, improve, restore, sustain, and let the environments be alive. Likewise, we take care of ourselves physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
5 Worthiness
Our community participates with their willingness and spontaneity. It contributes through their strengths and even vulnerability. Different values, appearances, backgrounds, and ways of expressions are all worthy and integral part of NION.